Left: VP Cement Quality Mir Kazim Ali accepts the Alternative Fuels Award for our work on WFIMS. Right: Ali presents WFIMS to symposium attendees.

From September 23–25 2019, MVW Lechtenberg & Partner hosted the Sixth Alternative Fuels Symposium in Duisburg, Germany.

When MVW Lechtenberg first launched the Symposium, they saw an urgent need for change in the industry. Cement and related industries are responsible for almost a tenth of global CO2 emissions. It’s possible to substantially improve its sustainability, and one way we can do this is by increasing alternative fuels, reducing fossil fuel emissions.

MVW Lechtenberg wanted to create a forum for everyone in the industry who wants to contribute to the greater cause. The Alternative Fuels Symposium has become a leading event for information exchange and networking in the field of alternative fuels. With more than 100 international professionals and experts participating annually, we hope to see the symposium grow each year, providing a fruitful platform for a sustainable future.

Topics covered included:

  • Case studies and first-hand experiences of cement producers on developing and operating successful waste to fuel projects
  • Innovation and new technologies
  • Country reports
  • Drying and processing of refuse-derived fuels
  • Hazardous waste processing into defined refuse-derived fuels
  • Field trip

PSCL is Recognized for Our Contributions

During the symposium, PSCL received the Alternative Fuel Award 2019 Third Prize for our project “Waste Fuels Information Management System (WFIMS) for Geocycle.”

To quote the awards committee:

“Your project shows that using innovative technologies and databases facilitates safe and environmental waste disposal. A comprehensive data management system for waste fuel consumers to collect, validate, store, and report regulatory and operational information is a key tool for educating and training employees and stakeholders.”

wfims afa 2019

Mir Kazim Ali with our Alternative Fuels Award

VP Cement Quality Mir Kazim Ali responded:

“We are delighted to receive an Alternative Fuel Award for 2019, proving our confidence in WFIMS as a comprehensive waste fuels management application for the global AFR industry.”

The Benefits of WFIMS to Date

  • 254K shipments managed and tracked
  • 2.1B litres of liquid fuel processed
  • 3.2B kilograms of solid fuel processed
  • 28M waste tires processed

More information on WFIMS can be found here.