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The goal of all of PSCL’s cement distribution systems is to reduce driver time loading at your plant or terminal, and to automate every step of the way with seamless integration into order and accounting systems.

Craig Leavitt
VP · Distribution

Our integrated suite of distribution solutions reduces time and effort while maximizing capacity.


Attended Loading Solutions

Order and Loading Management software from PSCL are the most-reliable system for your sales and fulfillment teams. Optimize and automate your sales and order processes with complete integration into your ERP.

Improved yard management through a single unified interface ensures the right product gets loaded the first time. With complete efficiency, your bottom line only grows.


Automated Unattended Loading Solutions

Self-Service Loading revolutionized the cement industry in North America by allowing the driver to fulfill their own orders. Drivers bring up their orders on our SSL kiosks, move into the loading bay, fill their trailers and finish off with a BOL in their hands.

Plant Portal takes automation even further by managing your entire yard, from the time the driver enters your site till the time they leave. And at the same time reducing time on scale to loading only.

You reduce your operating costs, and move more product in less time.